Travel Hacking | Vacation Mode

Articles about reward points and other hacks.

Travel Hacking Hat Trick: More points

Yesterday I did something I have not been able to do in the past.  I've had transactions where I have scored double the reward points on a single purchase.  But, this time, I scored a travel hacker's dream transaction:  a travel hack hat trick.  I got awarded points 3 times for one transaction.  (Hat Trick:  In field hockey and ice hockey, a hat trick occurs when a player scores three goals in a single game.)
You can still have cheap flights in the age of the Coronavirus
Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of articles saying that the price of flights is going to go up during and after this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. It makes sense if you know anything about how business works (and believe me, I am not the most business-minded person but I get it). The demand is down. Way down. So, there are fewer people on the planes and the airlines are running fewer flights. Scarcity creates high demand. This drives up the price. There is good news: you can still pay for cheap flights in the age of the coronavirus.

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