Awesome Instagram: Cavo Tagoo, Mykonos

Awesome Instagram: Cavo Tagoo, Mykonos

Cavo Tagoo Pool

You can find some incredible things regarding travel and vacations on Instagram.  Looking at images of beaches, resorts, hotels and all things you do on vacation can motivate you to go to that place.  Seeing the image of Palm Beach made me travel to Aruba.  Seeing carnivals in the Caribbean islands made me go to Trinidad and Tobago.  I even wanted to jump off the cliffs in Jamaica simply because I saw a video of natives jumping into the ocean.

The purpose of this page is to inspire you to travel to these locations solely based on images provided through Instagram.

Each week we will feature an Instagram account that is inspiring travel all over the world.

This week is:  Cavo Tagoo Hotel, Mykonos Greece

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