La Valise Tulum: Sleep under the stars in this rollout bed

Sleep under the stars in this rollout king bed

La Valise, Tulum, Mexico
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La Valise Tulum

When it comes to romantic getaways, there are few places that can match La Valise Tulum in terms of quality and service.

The beachfront and jungle view rooms at this 11-room luxury boutique hotel in South Tulum, Mexico, ensure that every guest has the best possible view, no matter where they are in the hotel or where they are on the property. In order to enjoy a better stay at the hotel, guests can now upgrade to the master suite, which includes a king-size bed that can be pulled out onto a balcony, allowing them to fall asleep under the stars while listening to waves crashing onto shore all night long.

Those who wish to stay for a longer period of time will find plenty to keep them entertained at the hotel. The resort offers a variety of private tour experiences that include snorkeling, yoga, and other activities for those who are willing to venture outside of their luxurious suites. A unique menu of body and spiritual wellness treatments is also available, including a Bee Venom Ceremony, a Moon Ceremony, and an Akashic Records Reading, to name a few examples.

Located beneath a massive palapa roof, the master suite offers a unique sense of being completely at one with the surrounding natural environment. Its private entrance and direct beach access, as well as its luxurious king bed, make it the ideal place to unwind and then unwind some more after a long day on the island.

The king bed, on the other hand, is unquestionably a draw, so don't be discouraged if you are unable to reserve this specific room because each room at the hotel comes with a private outdoor space to enjoy. Also available are ample beachfront space and hammocks scattered throughout the property, which are ideal for a quick afternoon lounge or a long, restful nap whenever you feel the need to take a break.

Those who wish to stay for a longer period of time will find plenty to keep them entertained at the hotel. The resort offers a variety of private tour experiences that include snorkeling, yoga, and other activities for those who are willing to venture outside of their luxurious suites. A unique menu of body and spiritual wellness treatments is also available, including a Bee Venom Ceremony, a Moon Ceremony, and an Akashic Records Reading, to name a few examples.

Where is La Valise?

It is located at km 8.7 of the beautiful Tulum beach strip, and it has 9 rooms. The hotel is nestled between the lush jungle and the Caribbean's pearl-white sand beaches, just a kilometer north of the Sian Kaan natural Biosphere. It is a great place to relax and unwind.


What airport do you fly into to go to Tulum?

Cancun International Airport is located in Cancun, Mexico.  Travelers who want to visit Tulum must currently fly into Cancun International Airport and then drive south for an hour and a half, which is extremely inconvenient.


Closest Beach

South Tulum Beach

Tulum's South Beach is flanked by a number of luxurious beach-front hotels and resorts, making it a highly sought-after destination for tourists who want to take advantage of the beautiful beaches of the southern portion of the city while also taking advantage of the amenities of luxurious accommodations. If you choose to stay in one of these hotels, you will have the easiest access to the beach, which adds to the exclusive feel of the beach area.

Tulum Beach
Tulum Beach


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