Costa Rica's wildlife: where to see these amazing animals

Costa Rica's wildlife: where to see these amazing animals

Image by Jeremy Cooley from Pixabay

Costa Rica is home to hundreds of species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and plants, all of which are protected under international law. Sloths, monkeys, parrots, iguanas, frogs, snakes, turtles, and lizards are just a few of the fascinating critters that may be found on the island. These animals can be found in the rainforests, jungles, mountains, volcanoes, beaches and rivers, among other places. 

Video by Costa Rican Vacations.

Costa Rica Environment

Image by tropa66 from Pixabay 


Costa Rica has a long and illustrious history of natural splendor and fauna. More than 70 national parks and reserves dot the landscape of Costa Rica, including Manuel Antonio National Park, Corcovado National Park, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Braulio Carrillo National Park, La Amistad International Park, Isla del Coco Marine Reserve, and the Osa Conservation Area. Despite the fact that many of these sites are small, they provide visitors with an opportunity to learn about Costa Rica's distinctive environment.

There are hundreds of species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, arachnids, fish, and marine life in Costa Rica's natural habitat, and the country is home to many of them. The fact that Costa Rica is regarded as a biodiversity hotspot comes as no surprise. Costa Rica, in fact, was just designated the world's second most biologically varied country, after Indonesia, according to a recent study.

Costa Rica is one of the best sites in the world to see wild animals in their natural habitat. A variety of animals can be found here, including monkeys, sloths, tapirs, coatis, peccaries, deer, anteaters, armadillos, opossums, raccoons, agoutis, pumas, jaguars, ocelots, maned wolves, red-breasted deer, and red-breasted deer.


Image by Jose Conejo Saenz from Pixabay 


There are many different sorts of mammals, including bats, dolphins, elephants, giraffes, hippos, koalas, monkeys, porcupines, skunks, sloths, squirrels, tigers, whales, zebras, and zoos, to name a few. Bats, dolphins, elephants, giraffes, hippos, koalas, monkeys, porcupines, s Some creatures can only be found in specific locations of the world, but others can be found practically everywhere on the planet.

In Costa Rica, you may get a close look at these incredible creatures in their native environment. Wildlife viewing opportunities abound, ranging from national parks to private wildlife preserves. Here are some suggestions: You won't have to drive far to see them, either, because the majority of the country's forests are located close to major cities.

Deer, raccoons, armadillos, anteaters, birds, dogs, cats, goats, horses, rabbits, pigs, and cows are some of the most frequent mammals found in the United States. Each of these species has its own set of features and environments that distinguish it from the others. Deer, for example, tend to be larger and more agile than other mammal species. Raccoons are nocturnal creatures, whereas armadillos prefer dry, arid conditions. Anteaters are omnivores, consuming insects, plants, and small reptiles as part of their diet. Birds are extremely adaptive and can eat a wide variety of foods, ranging from seeds to fruit to fish. Dogs and cats are carnivores, which means they eat meat. Horses are herbivores, meaning they eat only grass. Goats are ruminants, which means that they graze on grass. Pigs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant stuff and animal flesh in equal amounts. Cows are ruminants, which means they eat cud.


Image by FINTAN O' BRIEN from Pixabay 


One feature that distinguishes Costa Rica from other countries is the vast variety of birds that can be found there. More than 400 bird species have been identified in Costa Rica alone; this country is considered one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. While many people travel to Costa Rica solely for the opportunity to see exotic animals, there are numerous additional reasons to visit the country.

For example, if you enjoy nature photography, you'll be able to take stunning images of tropical landscapes and wildlife with this camera. Hiking routes lead through lush rainforests and along lovely beaches in Costa Rica, making it an ideal destination for individuals who appreciate the outdoors. Additionally, for those interested in learning Spanish, Costa Rica has a variety of schools where you can pursue your education while abroad.

Birds are magnificent creatures that we love admiring from our windowsills, parks, and gardens, among other locations. Many birds, however, are endangered as a result of habitat loss and climate change. The resplendent quetzal, one of Costa Rica's most recognizable species of bird, has seen dramatic losses in recent years as a result of deforestation and habitat loss. In the fortunate case of these animals, attempts are being made to protect them.

Costa Rica became the site of the world's largest private reserve in 2016, becoming the largest in Central America. The Reserva Biológica Hitoy Cerere encompasses more than 1 million acres of land where the country's last remaining woods can be found in their natural state. Apart from protecting endangered species of plants and animals, the reserve hopes to provide visitors with environmentally friendly tourism possibilities while preserving the natural beauty of the surrounding area.


Image by 41330 from Pixabay 


In Costa Rica, you can spot many different types of amphibians including frogs, salamanders, and caimans. The country has over 1,000 species of amphibians, making it one of the most diverse countries in the world.

In Costa Rica, many species of amphibians are protected under law. In fact, the country has the highest number of protected species on earth. With these laws in place, it's illegal to hunt, kill, capture, sell, trade, transport, import, export, or possess any of the following species:

  • Frogs

  • Toads

  • Salamanders

  • Newts

  • Lizards

  • Turtles

  • Tortoises

  • Snakes

  • Fish

  • Birds

  • Mammals

  • Insects

This means that anyone who wants to visit Costa Rica must abide by these laws. So if you'd like to see Costa Rica's unique wildlife firsthand, you'll have to travel there legally. However, if you'd rather just watch animals from afar, then you can still enjoy Costa Rica's beautiful scenery without having to worry about breaking the law.


Image by Tanja Wilbertz from Pixabay 


Costa Rica is home to a diverse range of reptiles, including iguanas, lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoises, crocodilians, and caimans, among others. Costa Rica is home to more than 500 different species of reptiles, making it one of the greatest places to visit if you are a fan of these creatures.

Although most reptile species in Central America are native to the region, humans have imported a few to the region. Among other things, since the Burmese python was released into the wild in Costa Rica in 1970, it has become extremely common throughout the country. It is now seen as a problem, and many residents hunt the pythons to protect themselves from being bitten by a poisonous snakes.

In Costa Rica, there are a variety of opportunities to see different varieties of reptiles. The greatest place to learn about these animals is at the Reptarium in San Jose, which is open daily. Visitors may get up and personal with a variety of reptiles while also watching them eat.

There are a number of other excellent places to see reptiles, including Parque Nacional Corcovado, where tourists may stroll through the rainforest while observing monkeys, sloths, and other animals; and Reserva Biológica Hitoy Cerere, where visitors can explore the jungle while birdwatching.

Insects and Arachnids

Image by Schmucki from Pixabay 


If you visit a rainforest in Costa Rica, you may observe that there are a large number of bugs flying throughout the area. Butterflies, bees, wasps, beetles, ants, and other creepy crawlies are examples of these creatures. Some of these insects are potentially hazardous, therefore it is best not to come into contact with them. Others, on the other hand, are non-toxic and can be handled safely. In some cases, you could even hold a butterfly in your hand without causing it any harm to it.

Some insects, such as some spider species, are less prone to bite or sting than others, making them less dangerous to handle. To give an example, tarantulas are extremely docile and can be picked up and held in the hands. Scorpions, centipedes, spiders, and cockroaches are just a few of the other examples.

While the majority of these species are reasonably straightforward to identify, there are a few that are more difficult to locate. As an example, unless you uncover your sink, you may not be aware that there are huge millipedes dwelling underneath it. Fortunately, there are a variety of methods for attracting these creatures to your residence.

Putting a few bits of food in a convenient location, for example, can help you remember where you put them. Alternatively, placing a piece of fruit in a glass jar and letting it out overnight may be an option. Your new pet millipede will be waiting for you when you wake up in the morning!

Marine Life

Lemon Butterfish
Image by joakant from Pixabay


Costa Rica is home to a diverse array of aquatic species. There are approximately 500 kinds of fish, including sharks, rays, and sea turtles, that can be found around the world. Thousands of birds, including parrots, pelicans, and toucans, can be found in the country as well.

There are a variety of ways to take advantage of Costa Rica's aquatic biodiversity. Scuba diving is a popular recreational activity. Visitors may explore the underwater world without having to fear about being attacked by predators when they go diving. While exploring the ocean below, scuba divers have the opportunity to interact with marine species.

Scuba diving is just one of the many ways to get up close and personal with Costa Rica's marine life. Snorkelling is an additional option. Snorkelers can swim through crystal-clear waters while observing tropical fish, coral reefs, and other aquatic creatures from above the surface of the water. Scuba diving and snorkelling are particularly enjoyable during the wet season when visibility is improved.

Individual wildlife

Next, we will look at individual wildlife in Costa Rica.  This article could be infinite if we tried to cover every bit of wildlife but this is a good cross-section for you to get a good idea of the expansive diversity of this country.

Brown Pelicans

Brown Pelicans
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Brown pelicans are indigenous to Costa Rica and can be seen along the country's Pacific coast. Costa Rican waterways are home to a large number of these birds, which can be observed from the shore. Brown pelicans are huge birds with long necks and legs and a brown body. They are found in large groups. Their wingspan can extend to more than 6 feet.

They prey on fish and crustaceans, as well as small mammals on occasion. The food of these birds varies depending on where they are found on the planet. The majority of their diet in the natural consists of fish, however in captivity, they prefer shrimp.

As a result of habitat degradation and poaching, brown pelicans are considered to be a vulnerable species. Their protection remains in place, however, as a result of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (CITES).

Resplendent Quetzals

Resplendent Quetzals
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Costa Rica is home to some of the most gorgeous birds on the planet, including the Resplendent Quetzal, which is pictured above. They may be found in the forests of Costa Rica, where they spend their entire lives, and they are quite stunning. The male quetzal is typically larger than the female, and he attracts females by flashing his dazzling plumage in front of them.

Quetzals are extremely territorial, and if another male attempts to mate with their companions, the males will battle him to the death. In nests near streams or rivers, the females lay their eggs and the offspring hatch after around two months.

Because these birds are so uncommon, many people travel to Costa Rica solely for the purpose of seeing them. It is true that the country was called after the bird, which means "expensive plume" in English.

Blue Jeans Poison Darts Frogs

Blue Jeans Poison Darts Frog
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The Blue Jeans Poison Dart Frog is a species of poison dart frog that is unique to Costa Rica and is exceedingly deadly. Despite the fact that they are not harmful to humans, they can be fatal to pets and cattle.

Due to the fact that Blue Jeans Venom Dart Frog poison is absorbed through the skin rather of being consumed, this is true. As a result, they are extremely successful at eliminating small animals and insects.

They're sometimes referred to as "poison dart frogs" because of their poisonous darts. The name stems from the fact that these frogs defend themselves against predators by exuding a noxious substance from their skin.

When they feel threatened, they unleash a cloud of chemicals that paralyze their victims and render them helpless. Then they consume the animal that has been paralyzed.

Glass Frogs

Glass Frog
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Costa Rica is home to a species of amphibian known as the glass frog. They were given this name because of the way their skin reflects light, giving them a glassy look. Glass frogs are distinct in that they can only survive in water.

Most of their lives are spent submerged in water, where they feed primarily on algae and small fish. When they need to get some fresh air, though, they come out of the water and leap onto land.

In order to drive themselves ahead, they utilize their hind legs to push off the ground and propel themselves forward. This enables them to jump extremely long distances, sometimes exceeding 10 feet (3 meters).

Because glass frogs are so rare, they are protected as an endangered species under international law. Since the 1970s, the number of glass frogs that may be found in the wild has decreased significantly.

That is why environmentalists are putting up tremendous effort to safeguard these incredible species.

Cane Toads

Cane Toad
Image by Kathy Detweiler from Pixabay 


Cane toads are poisonous snakes that can be found throughout Central America and the Caribbean. Even though they are not native to Costa Rica, they have been successfully brought to this country for over a century. They prey on insects, such as mosquitoes, and they are known to transmit disease.

They're also quite unsightly. In fact, they are so unsightly that they were designated as an invasive species in 2010.

If you're searching for a method to generate some additional money, you might want to consider offering cane toad removal services to your customers. The difficulty is that there aren't many companies that provide these services, so you'll have to think outside the box.


Image by Simon Marlow from Pixabay 


Anteaters are some of the most unique animals in the world. They're not only cute, but they're also fascinating creatures.

They eat ants, termites, and other insects, and they're often found near water sources.

One of the most famous anteaters is the giant anteater, which lives in South America. The largest species of anteater, it grows up to 4 feet long and weighs over 100 pounds.

Another type of anteater is the spectacled bear, which lives in Central and South America. This animal is similar to a raccoon, except its eyes are round instead of oval. Spectacled bears weigh between 40 and 60 pounds and grow up to 2 feet tall.

There are many different types of anteaters, including the white-bellied, black-throated, and brown-throated. White-bellied anteaters live in southern Mexico and Central America. Black-throated anteaters live in northern South America. Brown-throated anteaters are native to Brazil.

Other types of anteaters include hairy-nosed, short-tailed, and long-tailed. Hairy-nosed anteaters live in central and eastern South America. Short-tailed anteaters live in western South America. Long-tailed anteaters live primarily in Madagascar.

Baird’s Tapirs

Baird's Tapirs
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Tapirs are large herbivores native to South America. They're similar to elephants, except tapirs have shorter legs and longer tails.

They're also known as Baird's Tapir because American naturalist John James Audubon named them after his friend, Dr. William Edward Baird.

Audubon was fascinated by tapirs and spent years studying them. He wrote extensively about them in his book The Birds of America.

Today, tapirs are listed as endangered species in Costa Rica. But there are still many places where you can find them.


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Bats are incredibly interesting creatures. Animals in the same family as humans, only instead of walking, they fly. Bats prey on insects, which means they contribute to the cleanliness of our environment. Bats are also vital pollinators, as previously stated.

Bats, on the other hand, aren't merely interesting because they're adorable. They're also quite practical. Bats are effective natural pest controllers. Their diet consists of mosquitoes, flies, and other pests that would otherwise pose a threat to humans and other animals

Bats are also important contributors to the agricultural industry. They are used by farmers to decrease crop damage caused by insect pests, such as aphids. Fruit-eating wasps and other pests that destroy crops are preyed upon by bats. Farmers also occasionally release bats into fields to scare away birds that prey on their crops.

Finally, bats play a vital role in Costa Rica's tourism industry. The bat is the country's national symbol, and many people travel to the country to observe these incredible flying creatures up close.

Howler Monkeys

Howler Monkey
Image by marvinbla from Pixabay 

Howler monkeys are particularly fascinating because they communicate with one another through loud sounds. It is through these cries that they warn one another of impending danger, attract mates, and maintain track of their area.

Howlers congregate in groups known as troops. Each troop is comprised of a dominant male and female who served as the group's leaders, as well as many adult offspring who follow in their footsteps. A typical pattern is for adult males to remain in the troop until they attain sexual maturity, at which point they depart to start their own troop.

Howlers are extremely gregarious animals. Sleeping, eating, grooming, playing, and mating takes up the majority of their daytime activities. When they're not sleeping, they're usually found hanging out with one another.

They sleep in trees, frequently in big groups, and are nocturnal. Sticks, leaves, vines, moss, and mud are used to construct their nests. Howlers are nocturnal, which means that they go to bed early and wake up late in the morning.

Howlers eat a variety of foods including fruits, nuts, seeds, insects, and small vertebrates. They also consume the flowers and leaves that grow around them.


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Jaguars are huge cats that are endemic to South America and have a snarling bite. Their covert hunting approach has earned them a reputation throughout the world, and they have been observed in Costa Rica.

They're not particularly common, however, and the majority of sightings have been reported in distant locations. As a result, unless you live in close proximity to a rainforest, there is no practical cause to be concerned about jaguars in Costa Rica.

If you're considering a trip to Costa Rica, bear in mind that jaguars are legally protected by the country's laws, so stay your distance. And keep in mind that you should never feed them.

Collared Peccaries

Collared Peccaries
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The peccary is a kind of wild pig that can be found in Central America and the Caribbean. They are not domesticated pigs, but rather wild cousins of domesticated pigs who have been domesticated.

Troops of wolves reside in tiny groupings called dens, and each troop is comprised of a male leader (the alpha), several females, and numerous young wolves. The peccary is a sociable animal, and the alpha male is frequently considered to be the most dominant member of his pack. He defends his territory against intruders and mates with the female members of the herd when the opportunity arises.

When he's ready to mate, he approaches a female from behind, mounts her, and lays his eggs on her back. She may fight back, but she usually caves in because she realizes that mating with him will be preferable to fighting off another guy in the long run.

Following the mating ritual, the alpha male departs the region, leaving the female and her children to fend for themselves. He doesn't show up again until the next breeding season.

White-Faced Monkeys

White-Faced Monkey
Image by Linda Roisum from Pixabay 


White-faced monkeys are only found in Costa Rica, and they are extremely rare. Because their fur is lighter than typical, they are referred to as white-faced wolves. Their features are obscured by hair, giving them the appearance of being white.

Due to the fact that they live in trees and consume nuts, they are also known as squirrel monkeys. White-faced monkeys are highly gregarious animals, and they prefer to live in groups of 10 to 30 people.

If you travel to Costa Rica, you may have the opportunity to witness these charming creatures in their natural habitat. They're frequently observed jumping over the trees, engaging in games, and consuming fruit.

Squirrel Monkeys

Squirrel Monkey
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Squirrel monkeys are native to Costa Rica and can be found all around the country, including the highlands. They're little primates that live in trees and eat a variety of foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves, flowers, and insects, among other things.

Trooping animals are particularly social creatures which move together in groups known as troops to avoid conflict. Squirrel monkeys are well-known for their lively demeanor as well as their ability to interact with one another through sounds and body movements.

Squirrel monkeys are deemed endangered due to the loss of their natural habitat as a result of forest destruction. Costa Rica, on the other hand, has a large number of squirrel monkey populations that are still alive.

Spider Monkeys

Spider Monkey
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Spider monkeys are a kind of monkey that can only be found in Costa Rica. They're little primates with long tails and huge ears, and they're found in the wild. There are white markings on their faces and their fur is either dark brown or black in color.

They live in groups known as troops, where they spend the majority of their time grooming and playing with one another. They eat a variety of foods including fruits, insects, leaves, flowers, seeds, and nectar.


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Pacas are huge rodents that are native to Costa Rica and are found across the country. Slugs, snails, and insects are among the prey that they prey on. Pacas are also referred to as agoutis due to the fact that they resemble gigantic guinea pigs.

Burrowing animals that eat fruit and sleep throughout the day. In other words, they are nocturnal animals, which means that they sleep at night and awaken during the day.

In Costa Rica, pacas can be found across the country, especially in metropolitan areas. A common sighting is of them running through backyards and along roadside embankments.

Even though pacas are not aggressive toward humans, they may bite if they are startled. As a result, exercise caution when handling them.

If you come upon a pacas' nest, do not disturb it. Pacas are fiercely protective of their territory, and they will not accept intruders.


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Kinkajous is a nocturnal primate that is native to Costa Rica and its surrounding areas. They're well-known for being quite sociable and energetic, and they frequently engage in fun wrestling with one another. Kinkajous are particularly well-known for their powerful screaming sounds, which are comparable to those given by owls in their range.

Kinkajous can be found all across Central and South America, as well as in the Caribbean. They can be found in tropical rainforests, where they grow in places with a high concentration of trees and bushes.

They prey on insects, fruit, nuts, seeds, and tiny vertebrates, among other things. Kinkajous sleep throughout the day and awaken during the night, according to legend. It is estimated that they spend most of their lives sleeping and eating.

Kinkajous are highly active and alert when they are awake. They hurry fast through the forest, leaping over logs and branches to keep up with the pace. When climbing trees, they rely on their long tails to keep themselves balanced.

Kinkajous are highly social creatures which congregate in groups known as troops. Troops are normally comprised of a dominant male, a number of females, and a number of young. The males guard their territories and keep a close eye out for potential predators. Every two years, females give birth to litters of two to five offspring, depending on the species.

Kinkajous are threatened by extinction because they are targeted for bushmeat (wild meat). Their fur is used to manufacture hats and garments for people.

Leatherback Sea Turtles

Leatherback Sea Turtle
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Leatherback sea turtles are on the verge of extinction. They have a moderate growth rate, a lengthy lifespan, and are extremely sensitive to human action.

For them to live, they require extensive tracts of protected habitat. Unfortunately, Costa Rica's beaches are being degraded by tourism development, making it more difficult for leatherback turtles to obtain food and a place to rest.

We must continue to educate tourists about the necessity of safeguarding these incredible creatures if we are to contribute to their preservation. Also important is that we work with our government to ensure that rules against illicit fishing and poaching are followed.

We must also work together to provide safe havens for leatherbacks to live and breed in order to conserve their populations.


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Dolphins are amazing creatures. They're intelligent, social, playful, and beautiful. But they're not just pretty faces. Dolphins are also important members of Costa Rica's marine ecosystem.

They help keep fish populations healthy by eating parasites, and they play a vital role in keeping coral reefs alive.

But sadly, dolphins are being killed at alarming rates due to collisions with ships and fishing nets. And because they live in warm coastal waters, they're particularly vulnerable to ocean warming.

That's why we need to protect them. We need to reduce ship speeds when approaching dolphins, and we need to ban the use of gillnets in Costa Rican waters.

Orca Whales

Orca Whales
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Whale watching is a popular tourist activity in Costa Rica, especially among families. Orcas are considered to be among the most intelligent animals on the planet. Aerial hunters are renowned for their complex social structures, sophisticated communication systems as well as amazing hunting abilities.

They're also highly playful and curious creatures, and they frequently approach boats and swim right up to them to investigate them further. Take advantage of this opportunity when you are visiting Costa Rica.

White Indian Manatees

White Indian Manatee
Image by PublicDomainImages from Pixabay 


Manatees are big marine mammals that can be found in warm areas all around the world. These animals are well-known for their calm demeanor and sluggish movements, as well as their white colour.

Costa Rica, in fact, has the highest number of manatee sightings per capita of any country in the world. In addition, the country is home to more than 200 manatees, making it the most important location in Central America for manatee conservation.

Visitors to Costa Rica will be delighted by this development. Not only does this increase the likelihood of encountering manatees, but it also increases the likelihood that these species will be protected in the future as a result of this.

Basilisk Lizards

Basilisk Lizard
Image by falco from Pixabay 


Basilisk lizards are venomous snakes that can be found all around Costa Rica, including the Caribbean. However, when threatened, they can become violent and harmful to humans and other animals. They are distinguished by their bright red eyes and lengthy tails, which are characteristic of basilisks.

They're frequently spotted lazing in the sun, and certain species are even known to be rather sociable. Basilisks, on the other hand, are territorial creatures who should never be approached unless you are prepared to defend yourself against them in battle.

Basilisks can be found all around Costa Rica, and the majority of the population is not terrified of them. However, if you happen to come across a basilisk while visiting Costa Rica, please take care not to disturb it.

Eyelash Palm Pit vipers

Eyelash Palm Pit Viper

Costa Rica is the only place where you may find this snake. Its deadly fangs inject a neurotoxic into its prey, causing it to become paralyzed. However, although the venom is not lethal to humans, it does cause excruciating pain.

It is known as the Eyelash palm pit viper because it has the appearance of a little lizard with eyelashes. What you're looking at is actually a harmless blind snake.

Throughout Costa Rica, including the major tourist attractions of Manuel Antonio National Park and Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, the Eyelash palm pit Viper can be found in its natural habitat.

The Eyelas Palm Pit Viper (Leptotyphlops carolus) is categorized as a threatened species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Green Iguanas

Green Iguana
Image by Manuel de la Fuente from Pixabay 


Iguanas are big lizards that are native to Central America and are found around the world. They are noted for being environmentally friendly since they consume algae from plants.

Their troop-like living arrangements allow them to be extremely amiable creatures. Males, females, juveniles, and newborns make up the various troop compositions. Predators are kept at bay by the adults who look after the young.

Iguanas spend the majority of their time sunbathing in the sun when they are not defending their young. They catch insects and spiders with the help of their lengthy tongues.

In Costa Rica, iguanas are very popular as pets. People keep them as pets, sell them at pet stores, and breed them for commercial purposes. They are also available for adoption.

Ferdelance Snake

Ferdelance Snake
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Ferdelances are huge snakes in Costa Rica, and they are known as venomous snakes. They are not harmful, but if they feel threatened, they can become aggressive. In addition to being exceedingly territorial and protective of their territory, Ferdelances are also noted for being extremely intelligent.

If you get too close to them, they might bite you. However, if you take a step back, they will not attack.

They're also quite fast, which makes them your greatest option if you need to get away immediately.

Nonetheless, ferdelances are not only lethal but also aesthetically pleasing. On the body of the snake, there are several small black spots, and on its head, there are two stripes of red and white.

Ferdelances are frequently spotted lazing in the sun, making them excellent photographic subjects.

Aside from that, because they reside in tropical rainforests, they are fantastic subjects for nature photography as well.

Hercules Beetles

Hercules Beetles
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Hercules beetles are big insects that can be found all around Costa Rica. In addition to being aggressive and territorial, they are not hesitant to fight back if they are attacked by another animal or person.

They're also extremely difficult to catch because they flee at the slightest provocation and are difficult to catch. The fact that they devour a variety of pests, including ants, roaches, spiders, and mosquitos, makes them an excellent choice for pest control applications.

If you find yourself in need of pest management, you might want to look for Hercules beetle traps on the internet. They are intended to attract Hercules beetles and hold them captive until you arrive to collect them. They are available for purchase online.

Leafcutter Ants

Leafcutter Ants
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Leafcutter ants are incredibly interesting insects. They are not only adorable, but they are also beneficial because they aid in the control of pests in Costa Rica.

They are known as leafcutters because they chop leaves into pieces and transport them back to their nests, which is why they are called that. These leaves are used by the ants to construct their nests and provide food for their young.

Leafcutter ants are social insects that live in large colonies of millions of individuals. Each colony is led by a queen who lays eggs and a king who protects the queen's egg-laying territory.

There are several distinct species of leafcutter ants, including the red imported fire ant, which is one of the most destructive (Solenopsis invicta). This species, which was introduced to the United States in the 1980s, is now found throughout the southeastern United States and parts of Canada.

This ant is aggressive and has the potential to do significant damage to property. The bites of red imported fire ants have been reported on both people and animals. They are also capable of transmitting illnesses.


Image by falco from Pixabay 


Tarantulas are big hairy spiders that can be found all around Costa Rica. Despite the fact that they are not deadly, they do have a sinister vibe to them.

They are most frequently encountered in the rainforest, where they can be found amid the mossy trees and plants. Tarantulas are predators of insects, such as ants and termites.

When tarantula season starts, you'll be able to find them just about anywhere. They are most active at night, when they are on the prowl for food.

If you are fortunate enough to come upon a tarantula, simply leave it alone. Don't try to take it up or move it without permission. Tarantulas are extremely sensitive creatures, and they will bite if they believe they are being threatened.

Remove any insects that may be crawling on the spider by gently brushing them away. Tarantulas are completely safe and will not harm you unless they are provoked.


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Crocodiles are reptiles that can be found in a variety of habitats including rivers, lakes, marshes, and coastal locations. They're distinguished by their long snouts, razor-sharp fangs, and massive jaws. Crocodiles are deadly because they can be aggressive and unpredictable, which makes them very dangerous.

Although they are not native to Costa Rica, there are two kinds of crocodiles that can be found here: the American crocodile (Caiman yacare) and the saltwater crocodile (Caiman yacare) (Crocodylus porosus). Neither species is found anywhere else in the world except Costa Rica's Pacific coast region.

In Costa Rica, there have been no reported occurrences of human fatalities as a result of crocodile attacks. Tourists, on the other hand, should avoid swimming near riverbanks where crocodiles may be lurking. And keep in mind that crocs aren't simply frightening; they're also illegal in Costa Rica. Do not become alarmed if you find yourself face to face with a crocodile. Remove yourself from the situation by backing away slowly until you are out of harm's way.


Image by Kerstin Wießer-Buchholz from Pixabay 


Hummingbirds are little birds that prefer tropical areas to dwell in. They're well-known for their quick flight speed and ability to linger above flowers, among other things.

They feed on insects, such as mosquitoes, and nectar from flowers, among other things. Hummingbirds are highly gregarious creatures that frequently travel in groups.

Hummingbirds are found in more than 1,000 different species throughout the world. It is estimated that the Costa Rican population alone has more than 100 distinct species.

During the winter months, the majority of hummingbirds move south. Some, on the other hand, choose to remain in Costa Rica and start a family.

Some of these species are endangered because they are threatened by deforestation, habitat loss, and climate change, to name a few causes of concern.

Halloween Moon Crabs

Halloween Moon Crabs
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Halloween moon crabs are creepy crawly critters that reside in the water near Costa Rica and seem like they're dressed for Halloween. They are not harmful, but they are nonetheless quite interesting.

They emerge from their dens at night in search of food. This Halloween, be on the lookout for these creepy crustaceans as you go door-to-door trick-or-treating with friends.

Squirrel Monkeys Mono Titi

Suirrel Monkey Mono Titi
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Monotitis are squirrel monkeys that can only be found in Costa Rica and the surrounding areas. They're little primates that live in trees and eat fruits and nuts as a source of nutrition.

They're extremely gregarious animals who frequently wander in large groups. The males are referred to as "monos." "Titis" is a term used to refer to females.

Monos are lively and inquisitive creatures who enjoy climbing trees, playing games, and sleeping in tree holes when the opportunity presents itself.

They are not aggressive, but they can be territorial in their pursuit of food. They, on the other hand, tend to avoid fighting unless provoked.

Titi monkeys are similar to mono monkeys, with the exception that they are larger and live in a different environment.

Both species are threatened with extinction as a result of deforestation and poaching.

Two-Toed Sloth

Two-Toed Sloth
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Costa Rica's national animal is the two-toed sloth, which has two toes on each foot. This sluggish creature spends most of its time hanging upside down from branches, which makes for interesting viewing. Their long, prehensile tails are the only distinguishing characteristic between them and conventional sloths.

Due to the fact that they spend most of their life clinging to tree branches, they are also referred to as "tree-dwelling mammals." They eat a variety of plants, including leaves, fruit, flowers, insects, tiny vertebrates, and, on rare occasions, small lizards and birds.

Because they prefer to dwell in trees, they are frequently found near rivers and streams, where they can get their water needs met. Their main sources of nutrition are fruits and foliage, though they do occasionally consume insects.

Their name derives from the fact that they only have two toes on each foot, as opposed to four on each foot. Despite the fact that they resemble typical sloths in appearance, they are not closely related.

Three-Toed Sloths

Three-Toed Sloth
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Those of you who have seen sloths in Costa Rica will agree that they are quite adorable. Was it ever brought to your attention that three-toed sloths can be seen in Costa Rica?

The three-toed sloth is one of two species that can be found in Costa Rica. Approximately 10 to 15 pounds, the white-faced sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) is a tiny, fluffy animal with a white face and a white beard. This animal has long, slender legs as well as a huge head with an extremely short snout. Its face is completely covered with black hair.

When it comes to size, the brown-throated sloth (Bradypterus variegatus) is a little larger than the white-faced sloth, weighing between 20 and 30 pounds. It has longer legs and a shorter snout than the average dog. This creature's face is a lighter shade of brown, while its throat is a darker shade of brown.

Both species can be found in tropical rainforests, where they eat on fruits, nuts, and seeds, as well as other plant materials. They can scale trees with the help of their strong claws and tail.

Both species are threatened with extinction as a result of deforestation and poaching. In reality, the International Union for Conservation of Nature classified the white-faced sloths as critically endangered and the brown-throated sloths as near threatened, according to their respective conservation status.

Blue Morpho Butterfly

Blue Morpho Butterfly
Image by Lisa Becker from Pixabay 


Costa Rica's national butterfly, the Blue Morpho, is the country's emblem. Aside from Central America, where it can be found in tropical rainforests, the blue morpho can only be seen in Central America.

This lovely insect is well-known for its stunning mating dance, which can last for many hours and is performed by multiple individuals. During this period, males and females undertake complex courtship rituals by flying back and forth over each other.

Morpho dances are a series of wing flaps performed by male butterflies during mating season, which is known as the "Morpho Dance." Female butterflies are attracted to this spectacle and respond by flying toward the male butterfly. After mating, the female lays her eggs on the male's wings, which the male then eats.

After three weeks, the larvae emerge and begin feeding on the leaves of the plants. They mature swiftly and pupate within two months of being born. After another month has passed, the adults emerge from their cocoons.

Red-Eyed Frog

Red-Eye Frog
Image by Domenic Hoffmann from Pixabay 


The Red-Eyed Frog (Rana erythrocephala) is a little frog that may be found all around Costa Rica, including the Caribbean. At night, the male frogs make a loud call to attract females. They're quite possessive and violent towards one another, which is understandable.

They are found in streams and ponds, where they feed on insects and tadpoles, among other things. Females lay their eggs in water, and the larvae hatch after 2 weeks, depending on the species. They grow swiftly and reach maturity within 6 months of hatching.

Due to the fact that they are reasonably easy to spot and are adorable, the Red-Eyed frogs are very popular with tourists. They are not, however, indigenous to Costa Rica, and as such, should be treated with courtesy.

Lemur Leaf Frog

Lemur Leaf Frog
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There are numerous different kinds of lemur leaf frogs that may be found all around Costa Rica. They're little amphibians that are greenish-brown in color with lengthy legs and huge eyes. The males scream out at night, luring ladies to lay their eggs in damp locations near running water sources.

When the tadpoles hatch, they grow rapidly and develop gills within two weeks of their hatching date. Froglets emerge from their eggs after three months of development.

Despite the fact that it appears to be a lot of labor, it is actually pretty simple. Once you've identified an appropriate habitat, all that's left is to wait for the tadpoles to hatch. After that, you can release them back into the wild environment.

Harlequin Toad

Harlequin Toad
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The Costa Rican Harlequin Toad (Bufo arenacensis) is a species of toad that is native to the country. The term is derived from the fact that it resembles a harlequin costume. In tropical rainforests at heights ranging from 200 to 1,500 meters above sea level, this toad can be found. A small number of these creatures can be found in damp places near streams and rivers.

It is not considered endangered because it may be found throughout its whole distribution range. However, because of habitat loss, it has been designated as vulnerable.

The Harlequin toad is a medium-sized toad with a brownish hue on its back and sides. Its back is covered with big black dots that are elongated. With dark spots on the belly, the belly is white. The orange color of the head is accented by black patterns. The legs are yellow with black stripes along the center of them.

The breeding season for them is during the rainy season, which is normally from March to May. The eggs are laid in shallow pools of water by the females. The tadpoles hatch after two weeks and complete their transformation into adults within a month.

Jesus Christ lizard

Jesus Christ Lizard
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Costa Rica's most important animal is the tegu (coconut). The Jesus Christ lizard (also known as the Iguana de Cristo) can only be found in Costa Rica. Despite the fact that they are not harmful, they are extremely territorial and aggressive.

They devour insects and small lizards as well as other small animals. They've also been known to bite humans in the past. As a result, when travelling through the forest, keep your distance.

If you find yourself in a situation where you must protect yourself, be prepared to do so. Don't let them get the best of you!

Also, keep in mind that they are not harmful. However, they have the potential to harm you.

Rhinoceros Beetle

Rhinoceros Beetle
Image by Josch13 from Pixabay 


Rhinoceros beetles are huge insects that live in tropical rainforests and feed on a variety of plants. They are distinguished by the presence of horn-like appendages on their backs, which aid them in defending themselves against predators.

They're also well-known for their ability to eat through steel, wood, concrete, and asphalt, among other materials. The rhinoceros beetle was given this name because of its capacity to demolish structures such as buildings and bridges.

This bug may be found all around the country, and it is frequently regarded as a national symbol by the locals.

Mangrove Hawk

Mangrove Hawk
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The mangrove hawk is a bird that is native to Costa Rica and that may be found in mangrove swamps. The bird was given its name because of its propensity of diving into bodies of water in order to catch small fish.

Despite the fact that the mangrove hawk is not endangered, it is threatened by habitat loss as a result of coastal development and environmental contamination. Particularly true in Costa Rica, where only four known breeding locations have been identified thus far.


In conclusion, Costa Rica has some of the most incredible wildlife in the world. Costa Rica is home to some of the most spectacular species on the planet, including everything from monkeys to sloths, sea turtles to toucans. And if you're interested in getting up close and personal with some of these critters, Costa Rica is the place to go. The country is also recognized for its stunning beaches and welcoming locals, which make it an excellent choice for anyone searching for a relaxing vacation getaway.

Things to do in Costa Rica


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